NBCLC conducted a two week course for junior women religious from 1st to 13th May 2023.
The Course began with a Word of God and short prayer. Welcome address was given by
Rev.Dr. A. John Baptist, Director, NBCLC. The number of the Participants were 14.
Consisting 12 JMJ sisters, one brother, one Holy Cross Sister.
The Recourse persons and their topics are as followes:
Fr.Jayanathan VG-( Social Media Blessing & Challenge),Fr. Edwin George SDB-(" Called to
Holiness"-A call to be lived in moral conscience),Fr. Thampi l(ayala CSC- (Formation of Self
for Mission), Sr.Virginla, SAB- (Discovering and Living the Religious Life Patrimony: Jesus is
the model Of Consecrated Life), Fr. Gilbert Choondal SDB-( Being Religious Catechists
Creatively), Sr.Jessy Merline SMMI-( Consecrated for the Mission of Communion), Fr. Gerry
Lobo OFM- Consecrated Life: (Rekindlingthe Gift of God within us), Fr. Lawrence OFM. Cap-(
psycho- spirituality), Sr.Graace- (Transformed life by way of reconciliation), Bro. Paul Raj SG-
(Understanding Generation gap in the Religious community life), Fr. Jerry Rosario SJ-( New
possibilities of Mission Today), Sr. Paulcy PDDM- (Praying the Psalms and other prayer
These are recourse persons who gave the inputs and they are qualified professors. There
were also interactions between the resource persons and the students.
Adding to that they had Spiritual exercises like meditation, Morning Prayer, Mass, Rosaries
every day. They also helped to cut vegetables after the breakfast. They had enjoyable work
like gardening in the evening and sometimes watching the movies. They had all-around
Thls experiential course has awakened in the slsters a new enthusiasm for mission and has
empowered them for their future Ministry. For some the course also served as the
preparation for their final commitment. This course helped them to convince of their
Vocation and to be committed in religious life. lt also touched their inner self to be more
joyful and to dedicate themselves to given responsibilities.