Laity Tamil
Catechists (Shillong)
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Catechists (Hindi)
Open to All
(9.30AM - 3.30PM)
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Open to All
Catechists, Priests & Religious (Odisha)
Priests, Religious & Laity
Priests & Religious
Married Couples
Priests, Religious & Laity
Priests, Religious & Laity
Priests & Religious
Priests, Religious (Silver Jubilee) & Laity (Age limit 40-60)
Laity Malayalam
Junior Religious
Laity Kannada
Laity Tamil
Priests, Religious & Laity
Priests, Religious & Laity (Age limit 18-40)
Priest & Religious
Open to all
Religious Superiors & Formators (Priests & Religious)
Religious Superiors & Formators (Priests & Religious)
Religious Superiors & Formators (Priests & Religious)
Religious Superiors & Formators (Priests & Religious)
Priests, Religious & Laity
Open to all
Priests, Religious & Laity
Priests & Religious
Priests, Religious & Laity
Open to all
Priests & Religious over 60 years
Laity Malayalam
Priests, Religious & Laity
Laity Marathi
Priests, Religious & Laity
Priests, Religious & Laity