Rev. Dr. John Baptist
Rev. Dr. A. John Baptist, formerly Executive Secretary of the CCBI (Conference of Catholic Bishops of India) Commission for Bible (Bengaluru, India) is a catholic priest of the Diocese of Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. He has masters in History, Education and Sacred Scripture and holds Doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Department of Christian Studies, Madras University, India.
About Me:
Place of Ordination:
NBCLC, Post Bag 8426 Hutchins Road 2nd Cross Bangalore - 560 084, INDIA
Email: ajbaptist@gmail.com
Bio Profile:

He earned Licentiate at Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome. He has served as the professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart College, Chennai and Vice Rector of same College.
He was also Rector of Inter-diocesan Seminary, Vellore and General Secretary of the TNBC (Tamilnadu Bishops’ Council) Commission for Bible. He teaches as Guest Faculty at Department of Christian Studies, Madras University, Arul Kadal (Jesuit Regional Theologate), Chennai and Vidya Deep College (Bengaluru), Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK, Bangalore), St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bangalore. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the theological journal “Concilium”. He is nominated as a member of Executive Committee of SBSI (Society of Biblical Studies in India). His area of study includes Old Testament Exegesis, Narrative Criticism, Feminist Biblical Interpretation, Dalit and Subaltern Reading of the Bible.
Some of his recent publications include Together as Sisters: Hagar and Dalit Women (Delhi: ISPCK, 2012); “Unsung Melodies from Margins” (Delhi: ISPCK, 2014); Thus Spoke the Bible: Basics of Biblical Narrative (New Delhi: ISPCK, 2016); Planted by the Spring: Biblical Themes for Today (Bengaluru: ATC, 2018) and number of articles in the national theological journals. Now he serves as the Director of NBCLC (National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Center), Bangalore.