On 5th and 6th March 2022, NBCLC (National Biblical, Catechetical and Liturgical Centre), BIRDS (Brothers Integrated Rural Development Society) and Commission for Ecumenism and Inter Religious Dialogue of Karnataka Region organized a two-day seminar at NBCLC under the title, “Inter-Religious Dialogue Today”. There were 50 participants on the first day and 40 on the second day.
On 5th March 2022, in the inaugural session, Most Rev. Peter Machado (Archbishop of Bangalore) gave the presidential address and insisted on learning about other religions and their practices and dialoguing with them. Both Rev. Fr. Gabriel Lobo CSSR, Regional Secretary for the Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue, Karnataka Region and Rev. Dr. Fr. John Baptist, Director of NBCLC spoke on the theme of the dialogue and the Centre respectively. The panellists were drawn from other religions such as Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism and Jainism.
The resource persons were the following:Fr. Jose Nandhikkara CMI, Fr. Eugene Lobo, SJ,Fr. Gabriel Lobo CSSR, Fr. Lawrence, Mr. Babu Mathew, Fr. Mathew Chandrankunnel CMI,
Mrs. Brinda Adige, and Fr. Faustine Lucas Lobo