The Catechetical course was held at NBCLC from 20 th May to 27 th May, 2022. The inaugural session stated with a prayer service and the lighting of the lamp. There were nine participants for the course. Fr. Sebastian begun the first day class on ‘Called to be catechists and their role in the mission of the Church’ and he focused on the importance of being a Catechist in our modern world in line with the mission of the Church. The resource persons were Fr. Vijay Raj, Fr. George Chinnappan, SDB, Fr. Varghese Kapplikunel, SDB, Fr. Sagaya Belix, Fr. Michael G, Fr. Sajith Cyriac, SSP, Fr. Vallabaraj, SDB, & Sr. Alice. One Day the main celebrant of the Eucharist was Fr. Stephen Alathara, the Deputy Secretary General of CCBI. In the concluding session, all the participants were given certificates for their participation in the course. On 27 th May, 2022 with lunch the catechetical course came to an end.