NBCLC organized a four weeks course on Bible “WALKING WITH THE WORD” from 22nd August to 17th September 2022. The course was attended by 15 participants who included two priests, 5 Laities and 8 religious sisters. The course was commenced with a short inaugural ceremony. Fr. John Baptist, the Director of the NBCLC introduced the course and welcomed everyone warmly including the first recourse person Sr. Virginal Rajkumari SAB.
Each of the topics of Bible was dealt by different eminent professors. There was five session on each day. The participants took care of morning and evening prayer and had a privilege to attend Holy mass as well. Bible movies were shod 4 days in a week after the supper which was enriching and the participants had recreation for two days which helped them to enjoy and the team cooperated rather well with each other. The professors were heartily welcomed by Fr. John Baptist, the director of the NBCLC on each day and were thanked by the members at the end of each topic.
The platform was open for us for question at the end of the each session and the professors encouraged the participants to clear their doubts and effortlessly answer all the queries. As for the feedback received from the participants it was a pretty good experience “WALKING WITH THE WORD”. The participants express their profound gratitude to the NBCLC for giving insight on the word of God by arranging this Bible Course.
The resource persons and the topic were as follows:-
• Sr. Virgina Rajkumari SAB dealt on the Overview on Old Testament and New Testament. She delivered on enriching future on introducing the Bible.
• Fr. John Baptist delivered a discourse on the topic Pentateuch and H historical books. He explained covenantal code, Levitical code and Deuteronomy code and analysing the personalities in an interesting manner.
• Fr. Joy Philip CMI lectured on prophets. the practice parts cleared their doubts on prophetic leadership and call narratives.
• Fr. Yesu Karunanidhi taught the wisdom literature. His class was rather informative on the background and structure of wisdom literature.
• Fr. Stanley Kumar made the participants pray with Psalms which was interesting.
• Fr. Alfred Joseph gave lecture on the infancy narratives and passion and resurrection narratives. He also dealt on the gospel of Mark which was informative.
• Fr. Praveen OFM dealt on the Gospel of Luke. He delivered an enriching lecture.
• Fr. James Kadankavil gave an extremely insightful talk on the Gospel of John. He shared his profound knowledge.
• Sr. Prema CSST dealt on the Act of the Apostles. Her sharing was excellent. It was an interactive session.
• Fr. Shabu Joseph SBD spoke on the Gospel of Matthew.hr explained the back ground and structure of the Gospel.
• Fr. Assisi Saldanha CSsR lecture on Pauline letters and Hebrew. He used audio visuals and cleared the doubts of the participants.
• Fr. Paninadath SJ gave a discourse on Indian way of reading St. John.
• Bishop most. Rev. Peter Abir on Revelation and Johannian Epistles and
• Fr. Mario needs on the topic “Word of God is Life and Prayer.