News & Events

Report of the Tamil Seminar 2023

10th to 16th January 2023

The Tamil seminar on Lay Leadership was held at NBCLC from 10th to 16th January 2023. The seminar commenced at 9:00 am with 41 participants. The inaugural function included the lighting of the oil lamp, Bhajans, Gospel reading, and a prayer service. After the welcome address by the Director, Rev. Dr. John Baptist delivered the inaugural address. Swamy A. Louis from Angeli Ashram, Mysore, felicitated the event, and the dynamics of the Swamy were explained by Rev. Dr. X.D. Solvary from Tuticorin.

In the first session, the topic "Who Am I?" was explained, followed by self-introductions. In the afternoon, dynamics and leadership qualities were discussed. On the second day, "Social Analysis" was introduced to the participants. In the afternoon, there were group discussions and a presentation on the Second Vatican Council. The third day focused on family spirituality, the role of women in the family and the church. In the afternoon, the discussion centered around youth in society and the church. On the fourth day, the leadership role played by Jesus Christ in society was explained, followed by an explanation of the apostolate of the laity and the social involvement of the laity. In the afternoon, topics such as Interfaith Dialogue, the Church in the Modern World, and the new vision of the church were discussed.

On the fifth day, the Second Vatican document on the Church and the rights and duties of the laity were explained. After group discussions and reporting, topics such as inculturation, participatory statutes, and the Anbiyams of Parish Pastoral Councils were discussed. In the evening, a penitential service was conducted.

On the sixth day, Pongal was celebrated, incorporating inculturation and social customs. Social teachings of the Church, religion, and Jesus were explained. The participants were informed about the Participatory Associates' Movement and the social action group, and they were encouraged to join at least one of these associations.

During the question and answer session, the importance of involvement for social change was explained, along with the positive and negative uses of social media. On the closing day, the leadership role of the laity in society and the Church was emphasized. The participants were individually encouraged and guided to create a plan of action for fellowship upon their return to their respective parishes or places. In the valedictory session, four participants provided oral feedback on their fruitful experiences during the seminar, and individual evaluations were conducted. Certificates were distributed to the participants.

The seminar also included liturgy, yoga, Marian devotion, and prayer sessions. Although the duration of the seminar was short, it was an enriching experience for both the participants and the animators, leaving them with cherished memories of their stay at NBCLC.
